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Address: 112 Cabell Street
City: Lynchburg
State: VA
Zip: 24504
Phone: 434-847-1459
The first Cabell arrived in Virginia in 1726. He founded an influential and prolific clan known for two long-lasting family traditions: there were doctors in almost every generation and they peppered central Virginia with distinguished houses. The patriarch, William Cabell (1699-1774), emigrated from England when he was 27, to settle his huge Henrico County patent, and took up the practice of medicine. Shortly after his arrival, he married Elizabeth Burks. They had six children, one of whom died in infancy. Colonel John Cabell (1735-1815), the third of William Cabell's sons, produced fourteen children. His third son, George (1766-1823), earned a medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1790 and came home to set up his practice in Lynchburg. In 1815, on a promontory overlooking the James River, he built the beautiful Federal house called Point of Honor. Dr. Cabell obviously had a very successful practice; Point of Honor is a worthy addition to the collection of elegant houses built by his uncles and cousins. Point of Honor descended from the Cabell family to the Daniel family in 1830, who eventually sold the property. The Garden Club of Virginia restored the landscape for this Federal period house consisting of a stone circular drive and grove-like tree plantings appropriate to the period, as well as a demonstration apple orchard and visitor center terrace and plantings.
Year: 1978
Landscape Architect: Meade Palmer
Landscape restored
Year: 1996
Landscape Architect: Rudy J. Favretti
Visitor Center reception terrace and plantings
Year: 2006
Landscape Architect: William D. Rieley
New walk and planting